Effect of Stocking Density on Growth and Survival of Giant Tiger Prawn, Penaeus Monodon Penaeus Monodon Penaeus Monodon Penaeus Monodon in Estuarine Backwater Areasin Estuarine Backwater Areasin Estuarine Backwater Areasin Estuarine Backwate


Author(s): Suresh Babu Ch andandandand Shailender MShailender MSh

The present study find out most favorable stocking density on the growth, survival and production of Penaeus monodon was studied for 120 days. Five rectangular cages of uniform size (10x5x1m) were used for the respective stocking densities of 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50/m2. Healthy juveniles of size ranging from 3.2 to 3.5 g were used for the respective stocking densities of 10, 2 0, 30, 40 and 50/m2. Healthy juveniles of size ranging from 2.9 to 3.5g were stocked as per the above mentioned sto cking densities. As the culture period was 120 days, all these cages were changed at every 30 days interval. Even though the higher growth of 28.6 g and surviv al rate of 98.5% was observed in the stocking density of 10/m2, the maximum production rate of 1181 g/m2 was reported in the stocking density of 50/m2

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