Antimicrobialand Preliminary Phytochemical Analysis of Solvent Extracts of Hyptis suaveolens from Banks of River Krishna


Author(s): S.R.V.Prasanna, Sunil Babu Koppula

The present work deals with the antimicrobial and preliminary phytochemical analysis on the different parts ofHyptissuaveolens(L. Poit) Lamiaceae. The plant material is used for parasitical cutaneous diseases, infection of uterus, and assudorific in catarrhal condition, headache, stomach, snuff to stop bleeding of the nose. The antimicrobial effect ofH.suaveolensplants parts extracts were evaluated by two different solvent extracts were carried out by using three fungi like,Canidida albicans,Rhizophus stoloniphera and Aspergillus Nigerand four bacteria viz.Klebsiella pneumoneae,Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coliandPseudomonas aeruginosa. The chloroform extract of plant material can notshow any inhibition zone microbes likeC. albicanas, S. aureusandP. aeruginosa. All the five microbes tested aresusceptible to methanol extract with the inhibition zonerange of 11-25mm. The in vitro antimicrobial evaluation was carriedout by agar disc-diffusion method. Preliminary phytochemical screening shows the presence of volatile oil, starch, proteins,tannins, saponins, fats, alkaloids and glycosides etc. The results indicate that the whole plant extracts ofHyptis suaveolensmay recommend to use in preparation of herbal drugs.

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